in in a “Friends Night Out” on Wednesday, April 29th.  This will be a fun evening of camaraderie while also raising funds for The Table, CBS’s participation in Napa’s program to feed the needy in our community.  We are dedicating this evening to honor the memory of our dear friend, Rosaline Johnson, who was instrumental in the work of The Table.  April 29th would have been Rosaline’s 100th birthday.

This is both a Girls’ Night Out as well as a Guys’ Night Out.  There will be a special section for those guys who would like to sit together.

WHEN:  Wednesday, April 29, 2009  – 6:30 p.m.

WHERE:  Buckhorn Grill, Napa Town Center

SUCH A DEAL! $30 per person, all-inclusive (dinner and donation)
Optional:  Bring a bottle of wine to share!

RSVP – Harriet Spitz: 707.226.7755.  Mail check for $30 (or more – the “more” goes to The Table Fund at CBS) to Harriet Spitz, 108 Autumn Run Way, Napa, CA 94558

Your check, payable to Congregation Beth Sholom,
Attn: The Table, is your reservation.

If you are not able to join in the fun and would like to send a contribution, for the Table, your donation is most welcome.