Yihiyeh Tov – Nostalgic for Israeli Music

I am not sure why, but recently I have been seeking out some of the Israeli music that I was exposed to while in camp and when I lived in Israeli when I was on Year Course (for Young Judaea).. The song that came back to me the strongest was one by David Broza, Yihiyeh Tov – Things Will Be Better…. To be honest it took me a while to find the song because I had part of it in my head but interestingly not the chorus… “pyramidot ba’einaim” … which I know meant “pyramids in (our) eyes” ( I am assuming this an illusion to the peace talks that occured between Sadat and Begin)… so I did a google search for that phrase… nothing came back… it was extremely frustrating – I couldn’t remember the rest of the song… eventually through diligence and actually visiting other nostalgic jewish camper sites –  I tracked down the song but when I looked for English translations for the lyrics – strangely the last paragraph was always omitted. I did find one site that had this translation:

Here comes the prince of Egypt
oh how I rejoiced for him
there are pyramids in (our) eyes
and peace in his pipe
and we said let’s complete (it)
and we’ll live as brothers
and he then said (let’s) advance,
just go out from the territories.

I wonder if politically it not correct to refer to the Begin/Sadat peace talks or something because when you start finding the paragraph omitted almost everywhere you start to think, what is going here?

Does anybody know?

In any case some other songs that I found that I use to listen to are Yo Ya (Poogy), Layla (Shalom Hanoch), Al Tevarti Alay (Shalom Hanoch) and Lo Yachol Lishon Achsav (Shalom Hanoch)… I am sure that I will find more as I search but I now have a new Playlist titled “jewy”  that I will grow with time…

Here is Poogy in action: